Held online from UCL, Institute of Education, UK | July 22–25, 2021
EuroMedia2021 was held in conjunction with our Global Partners, including University College London (UCL), Birkbeck, University of London and the University of Sussex.
Organising Committee
The Conference Programme Committee is composed of distinguished academics who are experts in their fields. Conference Programme Committee members may also be members of IAFOR's International Academic Board. The Organising Committee is responsible for nominating and vetting Keynote and Featured Speakers; developing the conference programme, including special workshops, panels, targeted sessions, and so forth; event outreach and promotion; recommending and attracting future Conference Programme Committee members; working with IAFOR to select PhD students and early career academics for IAFOR-funded grants and scholarships; and overseeing the reviewing of abstracts submitted to the conference.
EuroMedia2021 Review Committee
- Dr Tomas Chochole, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
- Professor Xiaofan Gong, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, China
- Dr Ji-Eun Kim, Yonsei University, South Korea
- Dr Zainor Izat Zainal, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- Dr Jytee Holmqvist, HBU-UCLan (University of Central Lancashire) School of Media, Communication &
- Creative Industries, United Kingdom
- Professor Rebecca Lind, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States
- Professor Xenia Negrea, University of Craiova, Romania
- Dr Hsin-Pey Peng, Zhaoqing University, China
- Dr Kriti Singh, Sharda University, India
IAFOR Academic Grant & Scholarship Recipients
Our warmest congratulations go to Liudmila Zaichenko who has been selected by the conference Organising Committee to receive an IAFOR scholarship to present her research at EuroMedia/ECAH2021.
Liudmila Zaichenko | IAFOR Scholarship Recipient
Liudmila Zaichenko is currently a PhD student at Tallinn University, Estonia. She obtained her Master Degree from the Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg and her Specialist Degree in Journalism, St. Petersburg State University (Russia). Before coming to academic research Liudmila had been engaged in all kinds of research and marketing projects in various fields, including higher education and real estate. She previously held analytic and management positions in the international companies in mentioned fields. Since 2019 Liudmila has been working as a contract researcher for the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation project. At the moment she is jointly sharing responsibilities as a senior lecturer at the Higher School of Economics, St.Petersburg campus and a PhD researcher at Tallinn University, Estonia.
Cultural-cognitive Institutional Level Shaping the Agency of Minority Teachers in Post-soviet Estonia
Liudmila Zaichenko, Tallinn University, Estonia
In this study, I report on how professional agency of minority schools teachers in Estonia can be constrained by certain institutional barriers, including barriers which occur on a cultural-cognitive level and may be grounded in dispositions and beliefs of the society. This is significant because minority teachers in many countries may face dramatic obstacles in the course of building their ‘integration projects’ inside the host nation-state. The case of post-soviet Estonia may evidence how these teachers' professional agency as a potential tool for transformation and integration may be ‘mediated ideationally’ and constrained by the path-dependent institutional mechanisms, which don't provide for the transformative dimension of agency to occur. I believe that this study is appropriate for the chosen stream because it addresses the problems of integration and inequalities inside the national education context. The case of Estonia seems to be of a particular interest as this country has shown outstanding progress in development and integration in the European space during the recent 30 years, however it still is distinct in its highest segregation in all societal domains. Education system is one of the examples of this institutional disequilibrium. I dare to hope the readership of the journal may find valuable insights from this qualitative study about the path-dependency of institutional cultural-cognitive levels, which shape agentic orientations of ethnic minorities.
IAFOR's grants and scholarships programme provides financial support to PhD students and early career academics, with the aim of helping them pursue research excellence and achieve their academic goals through interdisciplinary study and interaction. Awards are based on the appropriateness of the educational opportunity in relation to the applicant's field of study, financial need, and contributions to their community and to IAFOR's mission of interdisciplinarity. Scholarships are awarded based on availability of funds from IAFOR and vary with each conference.
Click here to learn more about IAFOR grants and scholarships.